Keep the heat in, and give your pets the choice

The idea for Draughtii came during the long winter lockdown days of 2020. Being at home all day with pets that couldn’t decide whether they wanted in or out and heating bills rising, we wondered what could be done. We investigated the market and saw a real opportunity for helping with the climate change crisis. The population of pet cats alone in Europe is over 110 million. Germany and France are the two countries where the number of cats are the highest but the UK isn’t far behind with 10.5 million cats and 9.5 million pet dogs. That’s a lot of doors opening and closing! So, we designed and made a home insulation product that’s easy to use and will save energy.

What we offer

An opportunity to make a difference in the sustainability of energy conservation in the home. We know that pet lovers are environmentally conscious and will take every opportunity to help with the climate crisis that is currently unfolding. Our children deserve every opportunity to understand that we are playing our part in saving the planet. Using a Draughtii at home helps children understand the importance of energy conservation. Draught Excluders have long been used to help with energy conservation and fashion accessories for the home. Draughtii is the evolution of this product.
  • Sustainability
  • Pet Comfort
  • Child Education
  • Energy Costs
  • Homeowner Comfort
  • Fashion Accessories

Happy customers

Draughtii Products

Choose your favourite Draughtii. Why not have different colours for different rooms?

Give Your Pet the Choice, and Keep the Heat Inside

Draughtii For Pets